What NOW Charity
Volunteers Are One of the Keys to What NOW's Success
With many youth a day attending What NOW, individual and group volunteers play a key role in the successful implementation of our after-school programs.
We are looking for dedicated volunteers to partner with us to support at-risk youth as they learn to navigate the pressures of childhood – from gang involvement, to substance abuse, to criminal activity.
With a focus on learning respect for self and others as well as building self-confidence through evidenced-based and youth enrichment curriculum, What NOW volunteers join with staff to provide a safe, interactive and educational environment.
Equipping youth to achieve personal and academic success
8 out of 10 young people in the areas we serve are living in extreme poverty. Four of those children will go to bed hungry at night and eight will be using drugs or alcohol to cope with the harsh realities they face. Joining gangs becomes a more viable choice than graduation in the community we serve.
This is not an option for What NOW. We exist to combat these issues and build strong futures for them and for our community.
How Can I Volunteer?
What NOW volunteers are a talented and diverse group of people who help out in all facets of the organization.
What NOW works with youth on the critical skills they need to be productive and responsible members of the community.
Our programs are developed specifically to help the kids and families in our community with their challenges & unique needs.